Executive Coaching

Inclusive Leadership For Women Executives

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Executive Coaching

Inclusive Leadership For Women Executives

RiteSize Ignite

RiteSize Ignite program prepares diverse women leaders in finance for immediate and sustainable success in the C-Suite

Build a Diverse Talent Pipeline

Build a Diverse Talent Pipeline

Invest in rising Women of color and build a stronger diverse and dynamic internal bench.

Empower & Inspire Authentic Leaders

Empower & Inspire Authentic Leaders

Reignite and curate new confidence embracing lived and learned expertise, individual identity, core values, and growth appetite.

C-Suite Readiness & Succession Planning

C-Suite Readiness & Succession Planning

Retain diverse & dynamic leaders for top-level positions with this uniquely holistic leadership journey that mitigates burnout.

Build a Diverse Talent Pipeline

Invest in rising Women of color and build a stronger diverse and dynamic internal bench.

Empower & Inspire Authentic Leaders

Reignite and curate new confidence embracing lived and learned expertise, individual identity, core values, and growth appetite.

C-Suite Readiness & Succession Planning

Retain diverse & dynamic leaders for top-level positions with this uniquely holistic leadership journey that mitigates burnout.


Diversity pipeline issues resulting in employer bidding wars over a select few "ideal" candidates​

- Growing gap in promotion of women of color to manager roles. ​

- Weak internal bench for the C-suite.

- Incomplete succession plans.​

- Increased turnover among women leaders

RiteSize Solution

Build a stronger diverse and dynamic internal bench by investing in rising women of color​

RiteSize Ignite is an executive readiness program that prepares emerging women leaders for top-level positions. This uniquely holistic leadership journey teaches participants to draw from their lived and learned expertise as well as industry landscape, community culture, personal value proposition, individual career aspirations and resource optimization to attain peak levels of mission-accountable, business success.​

Preparing diverse women leaders in finance for immediate and sustainable success in the C-Suite.


Of Women of Color face this drop-off rate from entry level to the C-suite, with the greatest decrease from VP to SVP and from Manager to Senior Manager. Comparably, white men more than double their representation. (McKinsey 2018)


Or 59 of 931 companies in the Russell 1000 Index have publicly disclosed their workforce demographic statistics on race and ethnicity crossed with gender, despite reporting annually to EEOC. (Report by Just Capital 2022)


Of C-Suite positions in Financial Services are Women of Color, compared to 64 percent for White men and 23 percent for White women.

(McKinsey 2021).